~Tracy Frederick
In the storms of life, things can get perilous and very scary, even more so than the flooding, hurricanes and tornadoes that we experience here. It is just our material goods that are at stake and our lives here, not our souls. For me, it is the emotional storms that are so difficult to navigate. The pain and heartache of discouragement and temptations to just stop, hunker down and let the storm paralyze me. The winds of the world push and pull at us with other obligations, the dangerous lightening of temptations and the torrential rain of discouragement can weaken and dampen our spirits. But remember, in the storm when Peter stepped out of the boat and walked in the rain, the wind and the lightening, as long as he kept his eyes on the Son, he was fine (Matt 24:29-33). When these difficulties in life come along, remember the one that can calm the storm and command the elements to “be still,” the one that the wind obeyed and the one that brings peace. Remember: “Then He arose and rebuked the wind, and said to the sea, “Peace, be still!” And the wind ceased and there was a great calm.” Mark 4:39. I hope that whatever storms you might encounter today or tomorrow…or…whenever, you will look to the Son and feel the peace: “and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:7.
Tracy is the wife of Greg who serves the Lord's church as an elder in Arkansas City, KS. She loves teaching her sweet girls in her 2-3 year old Bible class on Sunday morning and adores her preteen and teen girls in her Wednesday night Bible class. She tries to work in all aspects of the work of the church and grow her talents in new ways every day. She is encoruaged by wonderful spiritual sisters and brothers near and far who help her keep her walk on the straight and narrow Way.
Wonderful words of wisdom, my sweet sister! Thank you so much for sharing them with me! I love you, dear one!