~ Nancy Goring
We have a very faithful sweet gentleman in our congregation who has been a member here for probably fifty years plus. His lovely wife worshiped with us too, until she passed from this life to her heavenly reward some years ago. He always enters the building with a smile on his face. He always has something encouraging to say. He is over eighty years old and every time you ask how he is doing, he ...always says, " Well, I was able to get up this morning," or " I can still take nourishment." He has a very humorous side to him. He is such a joy to be around. Last Sunday morning I walked up to him as he sat on "his" pew and asked how he was doing. He said, "Shh! Listen." So I got quiet, puzzled by what he was doing. " Do you hear that?" he said. "All I hear is the sound of little children laughing and running around," I replied. (Our congregation is comprised of forty percent children under twenty-one - we are blessed). "Yes, he said, " Isn't that the most beautiful sound?." It was then that I realized how very important for those who are older to know that the church will continue growing long after we are gone. I am also older, not as old as he is, but I too, am often concerned about where the church will be in twenty, thirty, forty years. His remarks reminded me that the Lord's kingdom will endure forever. He went on to say, " This is so much nicer than coming into a building and looking at a bunch of sourpusses, frowning and complaining." What a great attitude he has! And what a great example of godly wisdom he gave to me. I just wanted to share this with all of you, because so often we take for granted the blessings of our little children. We see the problems of finding teachers for them, and getting them to behave properly in the services, the crying during worship etc. But can you imagine a congregation with no laughter of little voices or cute little things they come up with in our Bible classes? I appreciate so much this older godly man. He is there most every service and is willing to help others in any way he can. I pray that I will have this attitude as I grow older with the accompanying aches and pains, and that I am able to smile and encourage as he does. We never know the impact that we have on others:) Just some thoughts for the day, sisters. Love you all. Nancy
Nancy is the wife of Bill Goring, who serves as a gospel preacher and
elder for the Chipman Road church of Christ in Lee’s Summit, Missouri. She has
4 children, 11 grandchildren and has taught Bible class for over 40 years, speaks
at Ladies Day gatherings and has published several books including: Behavior Becoming Holiness: Studies
in Titus Chapter 2 and Overcoming
our Self-Imposed Prisons.
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