They’re upon us again! Those annoying weight loss
commercials, or the workout equipment that guarantees we will lose those
unwanted pounds in only a few minutes a day while eating all of our favorite
foods. My favorite ad is for a weight loss pill that says: “It’s not your
fault!” It isn’t the cakes, the cookies, and ice cream and such that has caused
my “unsightly belly fat.” It isn’t MY fault. We’ve heard the same excuse from our children:
It wasn’t my fault, mom! or “I couldn’t help it!” or blaming their brother or
sister. Not taking responsibility for our wrongs goes way back. Remember when
Adam and Eve ate of the forbidden tree? When
confronted by God Adam blamed his wife, and then Eve blamed the serpent. We’ve
been pushing the responsibility for our sins off for far too long. Our Lord
knows we sin, He offered His son at the very moment of the first sin because He
saw our imperfections before we did and sadly, saw our selfishness before we
could offer an excuse. He knows. Perhaps it is time for us to face ourselves. We
are all familiar with I John chapters 1 and 2; it is the no-excuses chapters: “If
we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us”
1:8. “If we say that we have not sinned, we make Him a liar,
and His word is not in us” 1:10. Yeah, God knows our sin, but perhaps we think
we can hide it, kind of like the layers we use to hide those few extra pounds, thinking
that no one can tell we’ve packed on a few, or at the very least telling
ourselves it isn’t our fault when we have to buy the larger size, it is the
fabric and not the chocolate shakes. Yeah, God knows. He’s always known. Do you
recall what happened in the garden when God confronted Adam? God asked Adam a question (Gen 3:11) that
offered Adam a chance to confess his wrong to his Father, to see his sin and to
repent. “If we confess
our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse
us from all unrighteousness” I John 1:9. However,
Adam chose not to take responsibility. And thus, God had to offer His son so
that “if anyone sins, we have an Advocate with the Father,
Jesus Christ the righteous. And He Himself is the
propitiation for our sins, and not for ours only but also for the whole world”
I John 2:1-2.
is usually at this time of the year that people decide to re-evaluate and
pledge to make changes. Usually that means dieting-physically. I guess it is
easier for us to stare into the bathroom scale than into our souls and take responsibility
for the spiritual wrongs and making changes –throwing away the immodest
clothing, telling our daughters she can no longer dress immodestly, telling our
children they are no longer allowed to participate in immodest/immoral
activities at school, taking responsibility for not teaching our children the
Bible. Perhaps shedding a few pounds is more attractive than shedding a habitual
sin. I have often thought of the merciful nature of our Father and considered
what the outcome would have been if Adam had confessed, told the truth and
begged for forgiveness. Perhaps the outcome would have been the same, I don’t
know, but I do know He sees, He knows, He is merciful to forgive ….. and it really is our fault.
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