Have you noticed how letter writing has become a lost art?
There are a couple of sisters who write the best letters/cards. I have kept
them in a special box and take them out from time to time to reread them. I
wish I could write like that, with such sweetness and eloquence. I admit that I
am intimidated to send them letters in embarrassment of how I stumble over my
words. However, I was reading in the letter from our brother, Paul today to the
brethren at Corinth, it was his second letter to them. I took a pause over a
few verses that really made me think: “You are our epistle
written in our hearts, known and read by all men; clearly you are an epistle of Christ, ministered by us,
written not with ink but by the Spirit of the living God, not on tablets of
stone but on tablets of flesh, that is, of the heart” (II Cor 3:2-3). He
writes this about the people in the church there because he says in the
previous verses that he needs no letter of recommendation, because those he has
taught are living letters of his teaching and of God (v. 4-6). I never thought
of it that way- that I am a “living letter.” But, yeah, I am. It is a sobering
thought to consider that I am a letter to the world who is reading about God
and my Savior, Jesus the Christ. Have you considered what they are learning
about the Father and His Son as they read you? Are they getting a letter from
the Father? or are they seeing the same magazine articles they can get in any
popular magazine ad or tabloid? The idea that I am a living letter to others
who are reading my life is a sobering thought my sisters. Perhaps we need to
get to editing and rewriting, huh?
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