For many of us, the future always seems to hold the answers.
We consider the situations of the present and dream about the ease and the good
times ahead. The good times are always ahead, right? Or perhaps with just a little changes, they could be, I mean, “what if…” : What if the house were paid off? We
could do so much with that money for a vacation, college funds for the kids, or: What if I had just a few extra hours in the day? I could relax more; I
could sleep a little later. The possibilities of “what if” are endless, right? Unfortunately, they aren’t. Our
God has allowed us to choose “what if.” ("Thus
says the Lord: “Behold, I set before you the way of life and the way of
death." Jeremiah 21:8. ) For all of us moms, aunts, sisters,
grandmothers, mother in laws, there are a few “what if’s” that I hope we will consider
today, as we contemplate the choices we
make today determine what the future holds:
What if… my child is on the school honor roll, but doesn’t
know the books of the Bible?
What if… my child does all of her homework each night for
hours, but doesn’t spend time with her Lord each
night?What if…my child wins the school AR reading awards, but has never opened his Bible to read about the love of his God?
What if…my child wins countless awards for swimming, softball, football, etc. but fails to understand the importance of Matthew 6:33 and suffers in poverty and want forever?
What if…my child is the most popular child in school, but
spends his lifetime in emotional loneliness because
he does not understand the sacrificial love his God gave for him alone?
What if…my child knows the best study habits to make a high
score on the ACT/SAT, final, etc., but doesn’t
know God’s plan for salvation?
What if…my child has a built-in GPS in his car so he will
never get lost while traveling, but doesn’t know the way to heaven?
What if…my child gets a full ride/full scholarship to the
college of her choice, but does not understand the
importance of the Lord’s church?
What if…my child gains the whole world, but loses his soul? (Mk 8:36)
What if?
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