Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Keeping up with the Jones'

~Erin Blair

In today’s world, we are constantly bombarded via marketing ads, music, and even idle gossip to get the next big thing, next big toy.  So many people are trying so hard to “one up” their friends and neighbors.  If our neighbor buys a new car, well we have to buy one bigger and flashier than theirs.  If their kid gets a trampoline, ours has to have one too.  Having worked in a large law office for a while now, I constantly see people trying to look better, smell better, and have better things than the next person.  I have even had clients who are so obsessed (yes, obsessed) with beating the other party and winning loads of money in a lawsuit or are so paranoid that so-and-so is trying to steal from them/trying to cheat them out of their wealth. 

 The writer of Hebrews states in chapter 13 verse 5, “Let your conversation be without covetousness; and be content with such things as ye have: for he hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee.”   Why are these people so frantic to get the new iPhone or newest laptop or car?  The one they have works perfectly fine.  Why are they wanting the newer, bigger thing?  Why are they trying so hard to “keep up with the Jones’s?”  It is a matter of contentment.
Are we truly content?  Society tends to frown upon, or make fun of, people who truly are content with very little.  In society’s eye, he who dies with the most toys wins, and it is easy for this attitude to creep into the church.  Even with very little in regards to the world’s wealth, “…I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content.” (Phil. 4:11)  But do we truly know how to be abased and abound? To be full and to be hungry? To suffer and to abound? (Phil. 4:12) Can we truly be these things and still be content?  Remember what our Lord said in Matthew 6:21, “For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.”  Do we love the things of this world more than Christ and His church?  Are we content with whatever we have, whatever state of life we are in because we know that we have a far greater reward in heaven?

 Oftentimes people look at those who are less wealthy than us, or don’t have the latest and greatest gadget or clothes and some think how unfulfilled they must be.  But let us look inward at ourselves and search our hearts to see if we are truly content, whether we be rich or poor.  Or are we just racing to get the next big deal?  Where is our treasure?

Erin resides in Ben Wheeler Tx with her husband who preaches for the Ben Wheeler congregation. Erin has been involved with preparing and organizing the work of the church since she was a teenager by teaching all ages of Bibles classes, helping prepare and organize Ladies Days, Prom Alternatives, Youth Rallies and VBS.  She is currently works as a paralegal for a law firm. She and her husband also spend their time enjoying their sweet dog, chickens, ducks, quail…etc.  Life is never dull at her house.

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